Bath Water - A local supplier!


Our Story 

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“It’s crazy! Why does Bath not have its own spring water?!”

This was the question Bathonians, Mark and Rachel Allen, and Bath-based film producer, Jonathan Willis, asked themselves one day in 2016 over lunch.  

Undeniably, the UNESCO world heritage City of Bath is internationally synonymous with water, and has been for thousands of years. From the city’s founder King Bladud in 863 BC, the Romans’ Aquae Sulis (the Waters of Sulis), as Bath was once known, the pleasure-seeking Georgians and our very own inspiration today, the water bottling entrepreneur “JB” Bowler, who starting suppling Bath with spring water between 1864 to 1969, water was, and continues to be, at the very heart and soul of our city.  

However, the sulphurous thermal water that millions have bathed in isn’t necessarily the most pleasant of thirst quenchers! And so, our search for a local natural spring water supplier started. 

As proud Bathonians and passionate believers in high quality, locally sourced produce we wanted our water to be local to Bath. Our quest lead us to the original source of Bath’s water, an ancient Spring in the nearby Mendip Hills. Our water filters through ancient limestone vales deep underground and is drawn and bottled at source on organic land.  

Thus, ‘Bath Water’ was born.   

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Bath Water’s brand values reflect our passion for our City, capture the very essence of Bath itself and the production of high quality local products: -  

  • Authentic - Bathonians are continuing the tradition of supplying spring water, drawn from the original source of Bath's spring water and filtered through limestone on organic Mendip Hills land

  • Fun - 'Bath Water' is an obvious play on words capturing the essence of leisure and fun for which Bath is renowned. Fun, the very essence of the city, to honour the local culture and history

  • Modern Elegance - The elegant label design takes you through a journey of Bath's heritage, from the founder of Bath, King Bladud and his pigs, the Victorian entrepreneur "JB" Bowler and of course the most famous of Bath's landmarks; the Royal Crescent

  • Purity - a refreshing pure spring water drawn from organic land for healthy hydration

This is why ‘Bath Water’ is ‘Bath in a bottle’.